Hardi Board Fire Rated Siding

Icc es ner 405 fire resistance rated wall assemblies ner report ner 405 click the link above and go to section 3 5 of ner 405.
Hardi board fire rated siding. Vertical siding hardietrim boards hardiesoffit pre cut panels artisan by james hardie hardiebacker cement board. Few discussions about fiber cement siding are complete without mention of james hardie industries. Are james hardie products a masonry product. Unless otherwise noted fire ratings apply to tests conducted on both sides.
Case in point a st. James hardie offers an array of siding products. Unlike many materials fiber cement siding from james hardie such as hardieplank offers great fire resistance. Nfpa 251 fire tests of building construction and materials.
Icc es ner 405 fire resistance rated wall assemblies ner report ner 405 click the link above and go to section 3 5 of ner 405. James hardie offers an array of siding products. Paul minnesota house fire torched two fire trucks parked 60 feet away but the cement board siding home next door 50 feet away remained unscathed. Wood usually feeds the fire while vinyl melts instantly but fiber cement will not ignite when exposed to a direct flame.
Boards hardiesoffit pre cut panels artisan by james hardie hardiewrap weather barrier hardiebacker cement board. Designs listed are minimum construction requirements to achieve fire rating. What constitutes a 1 hour fire rated assembly. James hardie s hardieplank has become synonymous with fiber cement siding in much the same way that the brand name kleenex has come to refer to tissues.
James hardie siding and fire protection. The dominance of hardieplank is due in no small part to the fact that james hardie has not diversified into other. We ve been providing a better way to build for over 100 years. Ul 263 fire tests of building construction and materials.
Ubc 7 1 94 uniform building code standard. Approved for fire resistance rated construction astm e119 see jameshardie fire resistance rated wall assemblies flame spread index of 0 astm e84 see section 3 1 of the ner 405 report or see the warnock hersey product listings smoke developed index of 5 astm e84 see section 3 1 of the ner 405 report or. Most metal siding is rated as noncombustible which means that in fire safety testing it was shown not to ignite and spread fires. James hardie is the world leader in fiber cement siding and backerboard.
The period of time a fire resistant building element like jameshardie siding along with other components of the assembly maintains the ability to confine a fire continues to perform a given structural function or both as determined by astm e 119 tests. It also won t contribute fuel to a fire.