Hardside Sheet Metal Wall Satchels

30 s ingredients x4.
Hardside sheet metal wall satchels. 56 hours 35 min 1 sec 555 560. 12 gauge slug 209. The timed explosive charge commonly referred to as c4 is a craftable explosive weapon that can be thrown onto walls doors or deployable items. Information accurate as of.
It can be shredded by fire and hatchets and costs 100 to 200 wood depending on the building piece to upgrade. Unreliable raiding tool that can be used to destroy player made buildings for the purpose of entering other players bases and looting them. Once a timed explosive charge has been thrown it will automatically arm itself and then detonate after 10 seconds. This guide shows details of satchel raid s and what is needed for them.
The satchel charge becomes armed when placed has a random time until detonation and has a small chance to malfunction requiring the user to pick up and rearm. 2 min 47 sec 465. Wood stone sheet metal and armored. Timed explosive charges are not to be confused with explosives.
Wood is the weakest at 250 health per wall. 960 sulfur 1440 coal iron door 4 satchels. They are invulnerable to fire damage strong against hatchets but weaker against heavy impacts like explosives rocks maces and clubs compared to other items and building parts. 1 min 21 sec 235.
48 hours 30. Doors wooden door 2 satchels. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors general shortname. Sheet metal wall soft side 393 explosive ammo hard side 401 explosive ammo sheet metal foundaition about 500.
1 satchel charge 1 c4 1 rocket metal horizontal vertical embrasure 171 explosive ammo 12 13 satchel charges 2 c4 4 rockets wooden shutters 20 explosive ammo 1 satchel charge 1 c4. 2 min 24 sec 800. A sturdy building piece able to take around double the damage as a stone wall and much less vulnerable to melee. Used in the satchel charge is a craftable explosive that can be thrown on towers doors and deployable items.
12 gauge buckshot 80. 6 min 18 sec 2 090. 1920 sulfur 2880 coal hqm door 12 satchels. Sheet metal doors share the same hitpoints and defense bonuses as the double sheet metal door and ladder hatch.
The timed explosive charge commonly referred to as c4 is a craftable explosive weapon that can be thrown on walls doors and deployable items. Once a satchel charge has been stuck to. There are currently 4 upgrade tiers in building. 12 gauge buckshot 95 239.
12 gauge incendiary shell 39. Short about guide here i ll show satchel raid s and what is needed for them. Easy and quick to upgrade to but just having a wood base makes you a huge target.